An enhanced aurora borealis from 2023, captured from within the Inverness area, is spread across the sky above black silhouettes of a pagoda and a tree.  Large bold text reads "Mutual Aid Inverness" at the top.

Halò, agus fàilte gu Mutual Aid Inbhir Nis

Mutual Aid


Hello, and welcome to Mutual Aid Inverness

About Mutual Aid Inverness

How can I use this site?

In the near-future, I aim to develop MAIN to include more links to resources like:

  • Information on airborne pathogens and the importance of clean-air
  • The use of LLMs/AI (for example, ChatGPT) as an accessibility tool
  • Under-utilised benefits for energy savings and green transport (Home Energy Scotland, etc.)

What is it for?

The goals of MAIN are entirely centred on values of social justice, including human rights, public health, and climate justice, with both a global interest as well as a specific focus on issues that affect Inverness and the Highlands.

The intention (and long-term plan) is to expand MAIN into a more readily digestible/easy-to-understand source of information for resources and subjects that have significant impact on marginalised, under-represented, and especially intersectional groups, both locally (Inverness) and within the broader Highland area.

MAIN is, at its heart, a love letter to my children.

A small tartan heart, roughly the size of the enlarged sentence, "MAIN is, at its heart, a love letter to my children."  The tartan is the official tartan of Inverness.
Ripped Paper Frame

It is how I have decided to “leave things better than how I found it,” something I - admittedly somewhat selfishly - have become increasingly more concerned with since their births.

We love Inverness, and all of us doing better makes it a safer, healthier, kinder Inverness for everyone.

Ripped Paper Line Texture

Intersectionality means understanding, in essence, that we are the “sum of our parts”; our roles, labels, cultures, abilities or disabilities, genders, neurotypes, etc. can be enhanced and complicated by each other, but certainly do not exist in a vacuum.

And neither do we, as humans in a society.

(Listen Up Research, 2020)

Hand Drawn Right Arrow

but for now...

Horizontal Arrow Pencil Line

The resources I list are the ones I’ve interacted with personally.

There’s a popular expression among marginalised groups along the lines of,“When you’ve met one [person from a specific group], you’ve met one [person from that specific group],”and while sloppily paraphrased just now, it does apply.

Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal

Community Resources

“I want more support with...”

I cannot speak authoritatively for any experience but my own. That said, in my lived experiences, these are the resources I’ve observed positively contributing toward shared goals of accessibility, mutual aid, and social justice.

Staying COVID Safe
ADHD and Autism

Dopamine Dolls

ADHD Support for Women and

Non-binary people

NAS Highland

High quality and localised Autism support Facebook page

Elected Representation

Emma is well-established to be a tremendous source of support in particular for disability and LGBTQI+ issues.

Home Education

[I am continuing to assess for the best options for inclusion/discussion on this page, but can provide basic signposting upon request.]

Legal Icon
Cute Doodly British Pound Bill
Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal

...but what about help with...?

Grocery 4
Clothes in Clothes Rack

I recognise that the type of resources I talk about on MAIN are not always the types of resources that people are in immediate need of, or are explicitly looking for.

Like so many autistic people, I have specific areas that I tend to focus on, particularly since members of well-represented groups tend, naturally, to have more services already available and well-signposted.

I will be continually (but gradually) expanding on a list of commonly-requested services and resources that may be outwith what is covered here, and I am happy to hear suggestions of what is most helpful to be directed to.

Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal

Community Projects


Handmade Underline Doodle

(Source: United Nations 2024)

Ripped Paper Line Texture
3D Pin, Push Pin

Highland Mask Bloc

Building off of themes of accessibility, the HMB aims to distribute both high quality respirators to help protect against the aerosolised spread of COVID-19 as well as myriad other harmful viruses, as well as literature to help community members make informed decisions about the way they safeguard the health of themselves and their loved ones.

Ripped Paper Line Texture
Blue Board Pin Isolated

Accessible Inverness

This project focuses on advocating for improving service accessibility within the area, with a special focus on the areas of adoption of accessible tech, and increased cultural competence for service providers and community members.

Plague Poems


He asks me why I am wearing a mask don’t I know they aren’t required anymore? And I want to tell him how sad it is that so many people are only willing to help each other if they are required to, but I am tired so instead I just say: yes, I know they aren’t required anymore.

Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal

Highland Mask Bloc

Speech bubbles cartoon

I’d like to help!

Hand Drawn Speech Bubble Illustration

What’s a

“mask bloc”?

Supplies may be sporadically available at first, but I do have some ready to go now for both adults and children! Please send me a message and let’s figure out what you need and what we can do.

I very strongly recommend that everyone visit to learn about how to mask effectively (believe it or not, there are right and wrong ways to do it!) in order to ensure you’re getting the most protection you can.

A mask bloc is about as grassroots a movement as you’re likely to find when it comes to the COVID-careful community; it is an acknowledgement that we cannot be protected unless we are all protected.

The aim is to be able to supply high-qualify, effective respirators (N95+/FFP2+) on demand throughout the Highlands for as long as they are needed (pending funding).

Curved Up Arrow

That’s great! I have a donation page set up here, something I aim to not have to rely on indefinitely, with the goal being to apply for whatever funding is available to support this sustained initiative (please get in touch if you have any suggestions!)

Handdrawn Curved Arrow
Simplified Handdrawn Volunteer Planting Trees
Organic Handdrawn Modern Winnie Community Service
Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal
Cherish the nature.


*This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a snapshot of high-impact social justice issues that significantly inform the moral foundations of MAIN.

Palestine flag

We are watching Israel genocide an entire people in front of our eyes, and each of us need to be asking ourselves what we want to be able to say we did about it.

  • Talk about it. A lot. Do not let Palestinians disappear quietly from global north consciousness.
  • Find out where your MP stands on this and what they’re doing to help.
  • Donate. MAP and PCRF are wonderful.
Epistemic Justice
Online Learning Glyph Icon

The idea that what counts as valid knowledge and understanding is often gate-kept by those in power (known as “epistemic justice,” a term coined by Miranda Fricker).

We share knowledge with each other in more ways than through state-sanctioned institutions - including through informal channels - and have it still be a valid knowledge transfer.

COVID-19 with Viruses

A highly contagious, extremely dangerous, rapidly- and constantly-evolving airborne pathogen has become politicised to the extent that our governments have abandoned their duty of care in mitigating damage and protecting us.

The urgency and dire threat of COVID is not being accessibly communicated to us, and it’s time we learned to look after ourselves - and each other.

Disability rights icon.

Disability Justice

Almost everyone, at some point in our lifetimes, will experience disability - including disabilities that may not be immediately “obvious” to others.

Unfortunately, many will need for it to happen to them before becoming interested in Disability Rights.

We need access, support, and rights, now. This means designing a society where we can all navigate without needing unnecessary support - because it’s a society set up for everyone to be able to access.

Frame for Highlighting the Title of the Bulletin Journal

Reach out!

how to connect:

Facebook Logo
Instagram Icon
the linked logo on a blue circle
ResearchGate a Social Networking Site for Scientists and Researchers to Share Papers
a white envelope with a green background
Phone Flat Icon
X Mark Brushstroke


(Currently unavailable)

‭07931 748318‬


A basic outline of an ear canal with the curvature turning into a question mark, indicating a difficulty in understanding something heard.

There are countless reasons why someone might be unable to rely on a phone conversation as a means of communicating effectively.

I had trouble narrowing down my favourite reason, so due to several disabilities, please use text-based communication to relay important information!
